Webinar Archives (Public)

Keys to success in project scope management 

06-21-2017 16:13

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Jeff Miller, PMP, Director of Project Management, Interstates Control Systems
Many of us have sat back at the end of a project and thought "Wow! How did this project's scope get so out of control? Where was the disconnect between the proposal and what we delivered to the client?" Jeff Miller will walk us through some keys to successful project scope management. Most of us work for clients who expect us to be experts in delivering the solutions; when they scope the project they know we will fill in the blanks. If the project manager doesn't do a good job of defining the "real" scope of the project up front, your team may not get paid for significant portions of extra work they perform. It may also lead to areas of rework following factory acceptance testing when the client informs you that your system is not going to do what is required.

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