
Media Articles

By Robert Lowe posted 12-10-2012 10:58

Publicity is one of your company's best marketing tools.  Media articles that exhibit your expertise tell prospective clients your story and how their problems can be solved.  The media outlets, whether by vertical industry or technology, appreciate your articles because they are informative and educational for their readers, which attracts both subscribers and advertisers.

CSIA has a growing list of members working through CSIA to get articles placed and likewise a growing  list of media outlets asking for our member's articles.  So take advantage of the opportunity to tell your company's story by informing Ann Nelson of your desire to participate.

What's in it for CSIA? Publicity!  But only if you include us in your article.  When articles go through CSIA we make sure we get mention, but if your company works directly with a media outlet please, please, please mention at least once that you are a CSIA member, particularly if certified, and include our web link at the end along with your own. Together we'll make CSIA the center of the control system integration universe!

A final note: We strive for participation from members everywhere, not just US-based members.
