Message from the CEO

By Jose Rivera

2019 Executive Conference

As of the time of this writing, we are two months out to the CSIA 2019 Executive Conference. Registrations are coming in at a healthy pace, staying ahead of previous years except for 2018, where we were in San Francisco and set an attendance record. Asheville is developing nicely as another well-attended conference.

In terms of sponsorships for this year, we are ahead of San Francisco and trending toward setting a different record.

To top it off, we will also be celebrating a milestone: CSIA’s 25th anniversary.

All of which is good news, because this event energizes membership and staff.

Digital Transformation: Opportunity for SIs

Early in February, I attended the 2019 ARC Forum in Orlando, Fla., as I have been doing over many years, starting before my current position at CSIA. Unlike the CSIA conference where the focus is on SI business-related matters, the ARC event is centered around the end user. Attending this forum provides me with a reference point for developments by end users, the clients of our SI and automation equipment vendor partners.

The industrial automation market may not be the fastest growing one, particularly when compared to the consumer technologies market. It is, nevertheless, experiencing an exciting transformation driven by digitalization.

In recent years I have witnessed how end users have moved past their main security concerns (while still a concern, end users seem to be more at ease) to define what “digitalization” means to them and how and where to start. I walked away from the 2019 ARC Forum with the understanding that many end users had moved on to implement pilot programs but were struggling to migrate them beyond pilots.

In a key presentation by Mike Guilfoyle, ARC research director, I learned that end users are now experiencing the full disruptive nature and understand that the human element (culture/organization) needs to be addressed as well.

The SI industry is also being impacted along the way, evolving the area where they deliver their value-add. Standardization and smart tools are simplifying and automating the process, reducing the value contribution at this level. At the same time, new areas are being opened for SIs to add incredible value.

  • New technology, e.g., digital twins, requires not only the need to master the tool and the approach, but also a deep understanding of the underlying client’s assets and applications.
  • SIs can leverage their solid technical and vertical application expertise to complement a front-end consulting engagement that also tackles the other complexities, particularly those related to the human element (culture and organization). To achieve this, SIs may need to turn to partnerships or outright acquisitions to complement their capabilities.

When I took my CEO role with CSIA four years ago, I remember a conversation I had with a leading SI member. He shared with me that he had trouble translating what he considered to be an abstract digital transformation idea into actual SI business. Four years later I feel that this opportunity is becoming clearer and more actionable for SIs. CSIA needs to be an actor in this process, ensuring that SIs maximize the opportunity offered to them.

Jose Rivera is CEO of the Control System Integrators Association in Oakbrook Terrace, Ill.