Webinar Archives (Public)

Better, cheaper, faster: Grow your business with inbound marketing 

06-21-2017 15:12

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Jon DiPietro, Founder and Principal, Domesticating IT
Traditional outbound marketing strategies like print, radio and television advertising, cold calling and email are becoming less and less effective because it’s getting harder and harder to interrupt people with your messages. Inbound marketing reverses this strategy and uses low and no cost Internet technologies to attract more qualified visitors to your website and convert them from leads into customers. This webinar will introduce the concept of inbound marketing to CSIA members and outline the five steps required to implement it. Jon DiPietro is a Certified Inbound Marketing Professional and author of "Social Media for Engineers and Scientists." He is the Founder and Principal of Domesticating IT, an inbound marketing blog and consultancy and co-founder of CareerGravity.com, an educational website that teaches job seekers how to market themselves online. Jon holds leadership positions in the International Society of Automation, for which he has received multiple awards including the Emerging Leader Award. He is a frequent speaker on Internet marketing and social media topics at conferences, workshops, symposia and business networking events.

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